Ovidiu Guesthouse

Ovidiu Guesthouse

Check our offers for a beautiful trip

Discover the offer that suits you for a stay in the heart of the Danube Delta. We are at your service for more information or personalized offers

In the Danube Delta every month of the year is special. View our offer for a stay in the Danube Delta
If you want to escape the busy hectic life of the city, come and embrace the peaceful and relaxing Danube Delta. Find out more information about our offer for 2 Nights and 3 Days and became one of our many guests.
Vă doriti cateva zile de relaxare? Uitati de agitația, poluarea și zgomotul orașului! Te așteptăm să îmbrațișezi liniștea și relaxarea în inima Deltei Dunarii.
We are waiting for you to spend a mini vacation, far from the hustle and bustle of the city. The offer includes all services for an unforgettable stay!
We are waiting for you to spend a mini vacation, far from the hustle and bustle of the city. The offer includes all services for an unforgettable stay!
We are waiting for you to spend a mini vacation, far from the hustle and bustle of the city. The offer includes all services for an unforgettable stay!
Are you looking for a location where you can combine relaxation and work ideas?
We expect you to spend a relaxing holiday on a fishing trip in the middle of nature, away from the noise of the city.
We expect you to spend a relaxing holiday on a fishing trip in the middle of nature, away from the noise of the city.


Book your memorable holiday early!